After a lifetime dedicated to the martial arts, Sensei Awad passed away from an unexpected illness on Saturday, January 7th 2023. Sensei Awad was a Chief Instructor of Shuri Ryu Karate, a Karate world Champion, and founder of the Kosho School of Karate. Condolences to his family, friends, students, and all the people that he touched during his life. Sensei Awad was one of the few people that truly lived life HIS way. He will be missed, and remembered, by all that knew him.
Obituary Link. Michael E. Awad, beloved father of Dr. Michael Stegar, devoted brother of Richard T. Awad, Walter Awad, & the late Thomas F. Awad; dear uncle of Thomas F. Awad II, Richard E. Awad; grandfather of Chloe Elizabeth Steger. Passed away Jan. 7, 2023, at the age of 74. Resident of Mt. Washington. Service will be held at T.P. White & Sons Funeral Home, 2050 Beechmont Ave., Mt. Washington, on Fri. Jan. 20 at 2pm. Friends may visit the funeral home Fri. from 12:30pm-2pm. Mike was a World Master Karate Champion. Memorials may go to the Kosho Karate School in Mt. Washington.